Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 1- Operation Regensis

I am setting out on a journey to better my mind, my body, and my confidence. I will need help and encouragement from the outside, as well as from within. These entries will serve as a template for anyone who wishes to follow down the same path. It occurred to me that I will need to retrain my mind using any tools available. From hypnosis to affirmations, environment can help a great deal, but without the right mindset we are lost chasing our own tails.
We will need to train our minds and our habits through consistency, repetition of what works, and smart action. As an aspiring engineer, I have the instincts to think efficiently and solve problems.

The first thing we must do, is objectify Daniel Von Knechten. Place him before us as if a rotating hologram, emotionless and void of thought. Then, we take a picture and label it as state 1, the beginning, something rather crass, yet necessary before any identifiable progress can take place.

Motivation will come from solidifying a goal, a weight objective, a mind objective (a bit harder to see), and a state of pure relaxation and confidence. Lets dig deeper!

Current Weight= 183 lbs.
Objective Weight= 171 lbs
Muscle Size increase
IQ > 140
Focus Increased on hw: training daily
Daily Hypnosis : 3 months objective
Daily Affirmations: 3 months recursive
Running 4 times per week 30 - 50 mins.
3 times gym with 20 min cardio.
Healthy diet-
Daily creatine and protein supplementation
Reading 20 pages per day (literary + academic)
Study 1 week in advance of quizzes and tests
Memorize everything to the point of mastery in school
Learn 1 song per week on guitar.
E-mail 10 family members per week with 3 phone calls

This is a first list, which should undergo further refinement.
With time my objective will emerge as a success.